We are very pleased to have your child in Sparks once again this year!  It is a privilege to work together with you in the spiritual, mental, social and physical training of your child.  

Sparks will begin at 6:25pm .  When you arrive, please sign your child in at the sign-in table at the top of the stairs.   Pick up is upstairs in front of the Sanctuary at 8:00 sharp.

All costs for the club are included in the registration fee of $50.  Hopefully you can locate your child’s vest from last year, and avoid the cost of another one, which is $20.  

Looking forward to a wonderful year,

Your Child’s Sparks Directors,

Tammy Tyler

Handbook Reminders

  • All handbook sections are done in order, the exception being the missionary sections (WingRunner Red Jewel 2 # 1 + 2/ SkyStormer Green Jewel 2 # 1 + 2).  These sections can be done at any time.
  • Children returning to Sparks continue in any unfinished Sparks handbook then precede to the next appropriate Handbook.
  • Sparkies must pass a section with no more than 2 helps.  They must say both the reference and the verse.  We ask that your child do his/her best.
  • The ** ‘Bring a Friend’ ** section seems to be the hardest for Clubbers to complete.  We have made this section optional.  When your child gets this section, they will automatically be credited as passing it.  Friends are welcome.
  • ReturnFlight sections (blue sections) are review and are to be completed without any helps.
  • For every third section your child completes, he/she will receive an AWANA Share that can be spent at the AWANA Store held 4 times per year!! 

Supplemental/Extra Credit Work

Should your Clubber finish his/her handbook in the first half of the year, he/she will receive Frequent Flyer Extra Credit Cards.  These cards review their handbook and also have lots of fun activities. Once completed, your child will receive a review patch and a sparky pin.

Should your Clubber finish his/her handbook in the second half of the year, he/she is to review his/her handbook by doing all the bubble sections.  Once completed, your child will receive a review patch. 

SPARKS Schedule:

– 6:15-6:25pm:       Sign In (at top of stairs)!!!

– 6:25-6:35pm:      Opening Flag Ceremony/Special Announcements

– 6:35-7:00pm:      Small group Time (Handbook time)

– 7:00-7:30pm:      Games time

– 7:30-8:00pm:      Council Time (songs and message)

– 8:00pm:               Pick Up is upstairs in front of the Sanctuary, must Sign out!!!


AWANA Commander: Greg Tyler

Sparks Directors: Tammy Tyler 

Truth in Training Director: Sandy Schafer

Trek and Journey Directors: Megan Reid and Tracy Bigelow

Games Directors: to be announced

Music Directors: Julie Boudreau and Jessica Tyler

Special Events:  David Hudson

Secretary: Tammy Tyler

And many, many more leaders and helpers

Thank You for allowing us the privilege of working with your child.

The Awana Leaders of Bridlewood Bible Chapel.